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Our Staff

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."


Helen Keller

Our staff of Registered Early Childhood Educators and Certified Teachers, maintain an ongoing stimulating, age-appropriate program/curriculum for each age group. The unique curriculum provides unlimited opportunities for the development of your child. In the classroom and on the playground, age-appropriate concepts are integrated into all aspects of play. Learning occurs naturally through exploration, games, daily social interactions and providing children with activities that parallel their developmental needs and abilities. 

All of our staff exceed the province's requirement for educational achievement and experience. Staff to child ratios are always maintained according to the requirements of the CCEYA.  All staff, students, and volunteers are required to receive health assessment and immunizations as recommended by the local medical officer of health. Staff members are also required to have their Standard First Aid and CPR-C certifications. Vulnerable Sector Checks are received before the employment of each employee and will be re-screened every five years. In addition, each year staff are required to sign an offence declaration form indicating they have no convictions or offences under the Canadian Criminal Code.

Staff names, profiles and pictures are located near the entrance of each Centre on the “Meet Our Team” wall. This serves as a great introduction for children and families to learn about our educators and staff and their past child care experience.

Clarkson Angels support our teachers, students, and volunteers who interact with the children by encouraging continued professional learning in different ways. Staff are Registered Early Childhood Educators with the College of ECE. The College of Early Childhood Educators’ Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) is designed to help RECEs reflect, plan for and document their professional learning in a meaningful way. To be in good standing with the college, staff must complete workshops and develop a professional portfolio. A College of ECE bulletin board is posted within the Centre for staff to view. Any relevant information, announcements or mail from the college is posted on this board. In addition, articles pertaining to the field of ECE, a child’s learning and development, program development, or professional development is placed in the staff room to encourage and assist in learning.

Clarkson Angels is also a member of Raising the Bar. Staff attend professional development workshops throughout the year and are required to complete a certain number of hours each year. Copies of CDRCP’s workshops are available in the staff room and staff are encouraged to attend relevant workshops. We provide replacement staff to accommodate those who want to attend workshops that occur during the day.

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